Flad, Anne

Maleri (akryl, gouache) & tegning (blekk) | Painting (acrylic, gouache) & drawing (ink)

Artist statement

-- Åpent atelier søn 22.sept kl 12-17 --

Studio 5.22

In my painting I nowadays like to work with aleatoric techniques, sometimes creating images in dual view (rotatable by 180 degrees). For some years now I mainly focus on political and social / societal topics. While I work more implicitly and symbolically in my paintings, my drawings are more explicit regarding the political / societal content.

The approach with aleatoric techniques is to initiate happenstances, which I then incorporate into the overall topic that I'm working on, and which I allow to lead me to new directions, new approaches, new ideas. So to speak: To cherish and accept the happenstance and uncontrollable and embrace, pass and forward it into a controllable and constructive way. So it stands for dealing with life itself and its events: First of all, the question of what I can influence and control - and what I cannot. I can set or initiate impulses more or less purposefully in a certain environment - but what ultimately emerges and how this impulse reacts with the environment is not always within my sphere of influence. Other coincidences and events also "come as they come". What is again within my sphere of influence, however, is how I deal with it - what I make of it, and above all, how I evaluate it. So it is not only in painting that this is literally in my hands.
Playing with that, in a sense accepting chance, (further) shaping it, thinking about these processes, has occupied me artistically time and again and this kind of work and approach offered me a certain peace of mind.

Another area of focus is minimalist quick drawing, especially in a cross-art context (flamenco courses and events, music events), the appeal of drawing in its reduction to the essential and the very special kind of encounter and contact with the person to be depicted when painting and drawing live on site.

Gyldenpris Kunsthall, Wernersholmvegen 33
5232 Paradis

Telefon: 92914095
E-postadresse: info@anneflad.com
Web: http://www.anneflad.com



*1987 | In Rottweil (Germany).

1989 – 1996 | Growing up in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain).

1997 – 2014 | Youth, school and studies in and around Freiburg (Germany).

Between 2004 and 2011 | 3- to 10-months stays in Chile, Peru and Australia as a student, volunteer or worker.

2007 – 2009 | Studies of psychology (B. Sc.) at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany).

2009 – 2014 | Studies and university diploma in visual arts (main subject), nutrition & textiles and mathematics for teaching profession (focus on secondary school) at the Freiburg University of Education (Germany).
During the above-mentioned studies, completion of the first two years of additional studies at the Institute for Scientific Advanced Training in Freiburg to become a curative and socio-pedagogical art therapist (acquisition of the intermediate certificate).
(Continuation and completion of further therapeutic training / studies planned for future integration into my current self-employed artistic & art teaching profession.)

2015 – 2017 | Working in Hamburg and Lower Saxony (Germany) in the school sector and in the socio-pedagogical field (primary school, integrated secondary school, clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy).
Part-time self-employed artistic activity.

Since 2018 | Full-time self-employed visual artist and art teacher / pedagogue.
Representation via and collaboration with Hamburg’s artotheque “Kunstleihe Hamburg” (Germany).
Art instructor at Boesner Ltd. (presence workshops in several branches in northern Germany (until 2022), video tutorial offers and online drawing courses).
Art teacher at the cultural center “Kulturhaus Süderelbe” in Hamburg (Germany) (painting courses for children as well as holiday projects) (until 2022).
Collaboration with Kidstime Deutschland e.V. (pedagogical work (workshops (until 2022)) as well as illustration, graphic and web design and administration).
Member of the artist group “Kunstkreis2012” in Lüneburg (Germany) (until 2022).
Studio seat in the studio house “Atelierhaus23” in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg (Germany) (until 2022).

2022 | Stays in southern Germany, Colombia and southern France.

2023 | Stay in Nice (Côte d’Azur, southern France).

Since 2024 | Residence in Bergen (Norway).
Cooperation with the above-mentioned partners continues
(collaboration with Kidstime Deutschland e.V. (Germany)
(illustration, graphic design and translation services as well as web design and administration),
representation via and collaboration with Hamburg’s artotheque “Kunstleihe Hamburg” (Germany),
art instructor at Boesner Ltd. (video tutorial offers)).
Teaching own online drawing group; individual online drawing classes.
Studio seat in Gyldenpris Kunsthall in Paradis (Norway).
Member of the artist group “Habitat” in Bergen (Norway).



10.2023 | Parallax Art Fair London | Kensington Town Hall, London (United Kingdom)

09.2023 | Exhibition of the artist group Cros de Cagnes, group exhibition | Promenade de la Plage, Cros de Cagnes (France)

01. – 02.2022 | “Anne Flad - Encounters“, solo exhibition | cultural center “Kulturhaus Süderelbe”, Hamburg (Germany)

12.2021 – 01.2022 | “17 Sustainable Development Goals“, group exhibition | water tower, Lüneburg (Germany)

11.2021 | “War Children – The Shadows of the Past“ (project management: Ulrike Hinrichs), group exhibition | church St. Trinitatis, Hamburg (Germany)

08. – 09.2021 | “Climate – Art”, group exhibition | culture house “Haus des Gastes”, Salzhausen (Germany)

08. – 09.2021 | HeideKULTOUR 2021, guest exhibition at Katrin Mescheder | studio “white – blick”, Etzen (Germany)

08.2021 | 1st Harburg Art Festival, group exhibition with the artotheque Harburg “Kunstleihe Harburg” | Schwarzenbergplatz, Hamburg (Germany)

01. – 06.2021 | “Gallery in the Window”, group exhibition | cultural center “Kulturhaus Süderelbe”, Hamburg (Germany)

09.2020 | “Hamburg Shows Art“, group exhibition | Überseeboulevard – Hafencity, Hamburg (Germany)

08.2020 | “Art in the Park ‘Kurpark’ “, group exhibition | Kurpark, Lüneburg (Germany)

08.2020 | “Butterfly”, group exhibition | Modecafé Aust, Lüneburg (Germany)

05.2020 | “Anne Flad & Udo Bahntje”, duo exhibition with Udo Bahntje | Modecafé Aust, Lüneburg (Germany)

01. – 02.2020 | “Golden Art”, group exhibition | Modecafé Aust, Lüneburg (Germany)

12.2019 – 04.2020 | exhibition at Sunshine Film | Beim Schlump, Hamburg (Germany)

09.2019 | 9th Elb island’s Art and Studio Days, group exhibition and open studio with Branimir Georgiev | studio house “Atelierhaus23”, Hamburg (Germany)

09.2019 | “Hamburg Shows Art“, group exhibition | Überseeboulevard – Hafencity, Hamburg (Germany)

08.2019 | Buxtehuder Art Festival, group exhibition with the artotheque Harburg “Kunstleihe Harburg” | Town Hall Square, Buxtehude (Germany)

08.2019 | “Art in the Park ‘Kurpark’ “, group exhibition | Kurpark, Lüneburg (Germany)

06.2019 | “Art in the Garden”, group exhibition | Am Schildstein, Lüneburg (Germany)

07. – 08.2011 | “Flad & Flad – Grandfather & Granddaughter“, duo exhibition with Dr. Roland Flad | Altkönigstift, Kronberg in the Taunus (Germany)

06.2010 | “Come & See”, guest exhibition | winery Hannes Deufel, Lindau on Lake Constance (Germany)

05. – 06.2010 | exhibition at Roman Engers | Colombi Hotel, Freiburg in Breisgau (Germany)

“Cambio II” (Change / Transformation II), 29.6 x 40 cm, acrylic and ink on paper, 2022 (rotatable by 180 degrees (here in both views)) - in reference to the 2022 presidential election in Colombia
"Social Media – Dilemma (Downside of Social Media I)", 23 x 30.5 cm, ink on paper, 2022
"Flamencomalen P1" (Painting Flamenco P1), 15 x 15 cm, acrylic and ink on paper, 2018
"Consciously untitled", acrylic on canvas board, 50 x 70 cm, 2023