Tekstil, bl.teknikker på håndlaget papir
Artist statement
-- Åpent atelier lørdag 21. september 2024 --
Spor etter liv og kulturer har vært hovedtema i mine arbeider over flere år og som har ført til utstillinger i bl.a Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo i 1991, National Museum of Fine Art, Amman, Jordan i 1995 og Trondheim Kunstmuseum i 2009.
Har de senere år arbeidet med utstillingsprosjektet «The Road to Aleppo» om tapet av kunst og kultur på et historisk, menneskelig, sosialt og poetisk plan i Syria.Prosjektet ble bl.a vist 2015 - 2018 på Visningsrommet USF, Bergen ( Her også med en panelsamtale om tapet av kunst og kultur i Syria); National Museum of Fine Art, Kaunas, Litauen; Hedmark Kunstsenter Kunstbanken, Hamar og Kunstgarasjen, Bergen.
I likhet med prosjektet «The Road to Aleppo» hvor jeg arbeidet med minnebilder over en sivilisasjon som var i ferd med å ødelegges, ønsker jeg i utstillingsprosjektet «Havet lever fint uten oss», som jeg har arbeidet med det siste året, å diskutere utnyttelsen og forurensingen av havet og hva det har å si for klimaet og levekårene for oss og våre etterkommere.
Utstillingen har vært vist på Oseana Kunst- og Kultursenter, Os, Vestland; LÁ Art Museum Hveragerdi, Island 2021 og Oslo Prosjektrom, Oslo 2023. Hovedtema for utstillingen i Oslo var forurensingen i Oslofjorden.
USF Verftet, Georgernes Verft 12
5011 Bergen
Telefon: 90962339
E-postadresse: inger-johanne@brautaset.no
Web: http://www.inger-johanne.brautaset.no
CV: Inger-Johanne Brautaset, born in Sunndal, Norway
Education and Awards
West Norway Academy of Fine Art, Bergen, Norway
College of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway
National College of Art and Design, Oslo, Norway
3-years artist grant from the Norwegian government
Honorary mention, The International Triennale of Tapestry, Lotz, Poland.
GI Annual grants from the Norwegian government
"Utstillingsstipend", grant from Arts Council Norway
"Diversestipend", grant from Arts Council Norway
Grant from Norwegian Art Council, "Norsk-Islandsk Kulturfond", Norway "Vederlagsfondet", grant,
The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK)
Solo exhibitions (selected)
2023 Oslo Prosjektrom, Oslo, Norway
2021 LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerdi, Iceland
2020 Oseana Kunst- og Kultursenter, Bjørnafjorden, Norway 2019,2003,1994 Gallery Barbara, Sunndal Culture Hall, Sunndalsøra, Norway
2018 Kunstgarasjen, Bergen Norway
2017 Kunstbanken Hedmark Artists ́ Centre, Hamar, Norway
2016,2003 M.K. Ciurlionis National Museum of Fine Art, Kaunas, Lithuania
2016 Rådhusgalleriet, Oslo City Hall, Oslo, Norway
2015,1998,1987 Visningsrommet USF, The Culture Hall, Bergen, Norway
2011,1981 Norsk Skogmuseum, Elverum, Norway Elverum Kunstgalleri, Norway 2009 Trondheim Museum of Art, Trondheim, Norway
2009,2002 Gallery s·e, Bergen, Norway
2006,2001,1984 Galleri Vikerødegaarden, Hamar, Norway
2004 Luna Convento, Amalfi, Italy
2003 Gallery Brevik, Tromsø, Norway
1999 Sogn og Fjordane Artists' Centre, Førde, Norway
1997 Society of Art, Haugesund, Norway
1993 Møre and Romsdal Artists' Centre, Molde, Norway
1991 Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
1987 Galleri Langegaarden, Bergen, Norway
1981 Oslo Society of Art, Oslo, Norway
Tromsø Society of Art, Tromsø, Norway
Collective and group exhibitions (selected)
2018 «Collage» Kunstgarasjen, Bergen, Norway Galleri Tonne, Oslo, Norway
«Krona», Molde Art Museum, Molde, Norway
2016 «Fiberfeber», Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum,
Trondheim, Norway
2016 «Nyt Kapitel - Artist Books», Svends Bibliotek,
Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 "Samanhengande", Kunstgarasjen, Bergen, Norway
2014 "Bergenskunstnere", Gallery s·e, Bergen, Norway
2009,2010,2012,2013 Gallery Voksenåsen, Oslo, Norway
2007 "M-E 2007 II", Aklan Museum, Kalibo, Aklan Province, Philippines
2002 The 4th International Women's Art Festival, Aleppo, Syria
2000-2001 NORRUT; ASI Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland; Bryggen Museum, Bergen, Norway; Museum
of Art and Design, Helsiniki, Finland; The Nordic Embassies, Berlin, Germany and The National
Museum of Fine Art, Kaunas, Lithuania
2000 "Paper Road", Museum de Santa Maria Della Scala, Siena, Italy
1999-2000 "Edible paper", Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Düren, Germany and The City Museum,
Deggendorf, Germany
1998 Holland Paper Biennial, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
1997 "TXX", Museum of Decorative Arts, Bergen, Norway Oslo Town Hall Gallery, Oslo, Norway. 1996 "Stretch", Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway.
The Arsenal, Museum of Decorative Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania; Museum of Decorative Arts, Riga, Latvia; The County Museum, Pernu, Estonia
Norwegian Contemporary Art, Dolny Kubin, Slovakia
"Sea Born Papers", Clausens Pakhus, Nysted, Denmark
1995 "Encounters", The National Museum of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan
"Paper Path", Rundetårn, Copenhagen, Denmark, travelling exhibition in DK
1994 "Golden Autumn", Museum of Decorative Art and Folk Art, Moscow, Russia "Paper Manifestation", Museum Aemstelle, Amsteelven, The Netherlands. "Nordic Art", Frederikshavn Art Museum, Denmark
1993 "Célébration Papier", Montreal, Canada (selected).
1991-93 "KVADRAT", Christiansand Society of Art, Kristiansand; Hå gamle prestegård, Jæren and the
The National Museum of Decorative Arts, Trondheim, Norway
1992 The IVth International Biennal of Paper Art, Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Düren, Germany
"Kryss/Crossing Borders", Bergen, Norway
"New Norwegian Tapestry", The National Museum of Decorative Arts, Trondheim, Norway 1991 "Crossing Borders", Norwegian/Russian Art, Gallery F 15, Moss, Norway
1990 "Nordform 90", Malmø, Sweden
"Between Spaces", Bergen, Norway 1989 Norwegian Textile Art, Moscow, Russia
"Perspective on Paper", Maihaugen, Lillehammer, Norway
1988 Audio-Visual Experiment Festival, Arnhem, The Netherlands
1988,85 The International Triennal of Tapestry, Lodz, Poland
1984 Michoacan International Exhibition of Miniature Textiles, Morelia, Mexico
"Hexagon", travelling exhibition in Sweden, Iceland and Norway
1977,79,80,88,93 The State Autumn Salons at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway 1979,82,85,88,92 The Nordic Textile Triennal; travelling exhibition in Finland, Sweden, Denmark,
Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands
Commissions (selected)
2020 Bergen kommune
2018 St. Paul Gymnas, Bergen, Norway
2003 Øvsttunheimen Nursing Home, Bergen, Norway
2001 Tredal School, Sunndalsøra, Norway
1989 Sunndal Town Hall, Sunndalsøra, Norway
1988 Tysvær Town Hall, Ryfylke, Norway
1987 Rauma Town Hall, Åndalsnes, Norway
1985 Karmøy Town Hall, Norway
1983 Norwegian Broadcasting Cooperation (NRK), Elverum, Norway
Løten Nursing Home, Norway
1982 Statkraft Administrative Building, Sunndalsøra, Norway
Stange Nursing Home, Norway
1979 Rogaland Regional College, Stavanger, Norway
Public Collections
Trondheim Museum of Art, Trondheim, Norway Arts Council Norway, Norway
The National Gallery of Fine Art, Kaunas, Lithuania The Royal Palace, Amman, Jordan
The Russian Museum of Decorative Art and Folk Art, Moscow, Russia Museum of Modern Art, Morelia, Mexico
Hedmark County Council, Norway
Bærum County Council, Norway
Several private and public collections
2016 «Tekstilkunst i Norge» by Randi Nygaard Lium, Museumsforlaget Trondheim, s.218, 219, 220, ISBN 9788283050233
2009 "Norsk Kunsthistorie, Bilde og skulptur frå vikingtida til idag" (Norwegian Art History) written by Gunnar Danbolt, Det Norske Samlaget, s. 379-80. ISBN 978-825217435-9
2009 "Portfolio Collection Inger-Johanne Brautaset", Telos Art Publishing, Brighton, England,
ISBN 1-902015-99-6
2004 "Art Textiles of the World, Scandinavia" vol. 1, edited by Matthew Koumis,
Telos Art Publishing, England, ISBN 1-902015-01-0
1999 "Paper", edited by Gabrielle Falkiner, Watson-Guptill Publications New York, USA,
ISBN 978-082300304-4
1998 "Fire and Paper", edited by Pat Torley and Peter Gentenaar, Gentenaar & Torley Publishing,
Rijswijk, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-908041831-8
1998 "Ariadnes tråd" (Ariadne's thread) by Jorunn Haakestad PhD, Norwegian Academic Press,
Kristiansand, Norway, ISBN 82-7634-167-5
1992 "Ny norsk billedvev" (New Norwegian Tapestry) by Randi Nygaard Lium MA, by C. Huitfeldt
Forlag, Oslo, Norway, ISBN 82-5252-156-8