Sichmanova, Patricia


Artist statement

Åpent atelier lørdag 23.september 12-17

My material knowledge continues to be the language I draw upon to communicate my fascination with landscape and natural phenomena. By using materials with varied and often contrasting properties, I am able to explore form, color, and texture to evoke both the inviting and stark landscapes of Norway as well as the ethereal and intricately beautiful forms of lightning. I depict movement using color that runs through the permeable glass canvases I create, allowing the color to pool and soak into the form. Water hitting stones, erosion, or just simple stillness, I would like to depict these in my works. My aim is to create objects that change – with touch, light or over time. Although my training is based in glass art, I am open to any new technique from computer-controlled machines to creating molds for casting in the nature. Shifting between different materials, techniques and especially approaches is giving me endless inspiration.

Aldea, C. Sundts gate 55
5004 Bergen

Telefon: 96847281


Patrícia Sichmanová er oppvokst i Bratislava, Slovakia hvor hun fullførte en MFA med summa cum laude fra the Academy of Fine Arts and Design i 2017. Master prosjektet hennes vandt 3. pris ved den internasjonale Stanislav Libensky konkuransen i Praha samme år. I løpet av de siste 6 årene mens hun undersøkte mulighetene glass kunne tilby studerte hun også metal arbeid ved HSN i Norge og glass design ved Häme University of Applied Sciences i Finland. Naturen, nordisk landskap og natur fenomener har hatt sterk innflytelse på hennes arbeid. Patrícia er bosatt i Bergen.

Storevatnet (2019)
Waves (2019)
Waves (2018)
Fluidity (2017)